Quality, Health, Safety and Environment have always been a priority for SECPL in all its operations. SATTVA’s operations are certified for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 The dedicated QHSE Manager develops the management systems and procedures, monitors the implementation and carries out regular audits to ensure compliance.
Our Quality system for construction, corporate excellence and accountability is the product of more than 35 years of project experience.
Our environmental commitment is a central concern in all areas of our business.
Our site safety teams are structured and resourced effectively, while our site safety staff have a powerful voice across all site activities.
Our environmental commitment is a central concern in all areas of our business. Environmental management is everybody’s responsibility, on every job regardless of role, or the nature or location of the project.
SECPL has won many appreciations from its clients for its high level of performance in HSE.
SECPL conducts specialized HSE related training courses, Medical camps, vaccination in addition to the Quality and HSE Management System trainings.
SATTVAQuality Management System has been certified to (ISO 9001:2015) since
The effective implementation of the QMS is driven and supported by top management
through regular reviews of Quality Policy,
Objectives, internal & external audits and
management reviews.
SATTVA’S goal is to continually improve it’s system and maximize it’s image to
portray to it’s customers.